The Future is Cotton

It is natural, versatile, eco-friendly, hypoallergenic and durable. Cotton is everything you’d ask for in a fabric! But don’t get convinced yet. We have more in store for you. Let’s talk cotton!

We have a history!

Cotton came to be known throughout the world only by 1500 AD. But its origin hasn’t been really found out. Bits of cotton found in Mexican caves date back to 7,000 years ago according to scientists. About 3,000 years BC, cotton was being grown, spun and woven in the Indus valley in Pakistan while it was being worn by native Egyptians along the Nile valley. Around 800 AD,  Arab merchants brought cotton to Europe. When Columbus discovered America, he found cotton growing on the Bahama islands in 1492. By 1800, cotton was being spun on machinery in England. The industrial revolution and the invention of cotton gin paved way for the popularity and commercialization of cotton. The cotton textile industry grew by leaps and bounds with the advent of gin. The cotton we know today has no definite history yet it’s versatility stood the tests of time to give us what is today a USD 250 billion worth of production around the globe.

Source: National cotton council of America

Cotton production

At present, China is the largest producer of cotton followed by India and the United States. Out of the 100 countries that cultivate cotton, China alone accounts for the production of 120 million bales.

Since we are talking about bales, 1 bale of cotton is enough to make,  

China, India and the United States together produce more than half of the total global production of cotton!

A thousand and one reasons to use cotton.

We are sure we cannot list them all. So we just mentioned the most important ones.

Cotton is comfortable

And by comfortable we mean, it is breathable, light and airy. It makes for a great material to wear when you are travelling or working out. It also makes for a great blanket/mattress/bedsheet as it doesn’t trap the heat inside and keeps you cool.

Cotton is considerate

Unlike other oil-based fabrics, cotton doesn’t retain odour, so you can wear it a couple of times before giving it for laundry. Less washing means less water wastage and low usage of energy making it low maintenance.

Cotton isn’t clingy

It doesn’t cling to your body in humid conditions and doesn’t cause irritation. You don’t have to worry about static cling making it a great material for winters when the lack of moisture is a major problem.

Cotton is hypoallergenic.

People with skin diseases rejoice! Cotton is hypoallergenic and its natural fabrics are best for sensitive skin. It doesn’t cause dryness and doesn’t aggravate skin problems like eczema. It can be worn without any irritation to sensitive skin.

Cotton is Biodegradable

Unlike harmful plastics, cotton is environmentally friendly and biodegradable. It decomposes quickly and doesn’t cause any sort of pollution.

Cotton- A sustainable approach to a plastic-free future.

Cotton, when recycled or produced with no chemical fertilizers and less water, is called sustainable cotton. In the wake of a major environmental crisis, more and more people are looking out for eco-friendly alternatives like bags made of cotton. They are an excellent replacement for single-use plastic bags. Cotton bags are washable, reusable and biodegradable. If this doesn’t sound convincing enough, single reusable tote bags can save the usage of about 100 billion plastic bags a year!

Being environmentally conscious isn’t a trend anymore. It has become a necessity especially after the IPCC climate report which revealed that our Planet will be hit by food shortages, flooding, and wildfires as soon as 2040.

There’s no reason why you shouldn’t replace cotton with plastic. Even when you don’t fancy being environment-friendly, cotton bags can be reused hundreds of times, saving you money on plastic bags. A lot of brands have gone eco-conscious by replacing plastic with cotton. Popular brands like Adidas, H&M, Levi Strauss, Synergy, Indigenous, and Patagonia are making strides in sustainable cotton sourcing.

Cotton is the solution to a lot of our environmental problems. Replace plastic for good and leave a better planet for generations to come.